Saturday we enjoyed a day at the farm. I sat in the sun and watched everyone cleaning the yard, pulling weeds, digging out honeysuckle vines, building the base for the chicken coop, and other general garden/yard work. It’s hard for me to walk over uneven ground, so I was happy to watch. The twins were great entertainment, too, as they ran from here to there, explored, planted sunflower seeds, used Pa’s little shovels to dig in the dirt, climbed trees, etc. Lots of fun!
Pa’s short garden shovels are just the right size for little gardeners.
DH and DS pulled the old plow out of the barn and hooked it up to the mule…I mean the lawn mower… They plowed a furrow for the grands to plant flower seeds.
Planting sunflower seeds (and digging, digging, digging).
Lots of weed pulling, lots of raking, lots of burning leaves and sticks.
And lots of clambering up and down her favorite climbing tree. She kept checking with anyone who had a clipper in hand. “Not my climbing tree. Don’t cut down my climbing tree.”
Concrete was mixed for the posts of the chicken coop.
The base of the coop made a perfect stage.
And when you live in the country, the hose is a good place to get a drink. No time to waste by running inside on such a beautiful day.
We’re looking forward to many more fun days on the farm.