I am working on the glass tree this morning, stringing new LED white lights on it. It’s a new tree and it is taking some effort to get the lights on in a way I like. This tree is hinged so the lights can stay on it while it’s in storage, which will be nice. Hopefully it won’t need much tweaking next year. After the lights are on, we will decorate the tree with my collection of glass and spun glass ornaments.
Genny came last evening and she is working on the Victorian tree. It had been in the guest room in prior years, but with the remodel, the theme no longer fits. So upstairs it goes to DD#1’s room and the guest room tree will get a whole new look this year. I’m thinking white and silver, but shall see how it comes out when we get to it. Last year, DD’s tree looked like this:
A photographer came by this morning to take a picture of the living room tree for the paper. We are hosting a public house tour December 12 and 13, to raise money for the mission fund at church and he wanted a picture for that. Thankfully, the living room was decorated and in good order! Thanks to Brooke who helped me straighten the downstairs yesterday. The clutter of construction and decorating was getting to me. We worked through the downstairs rooms and it looks so much better than it did. Whew! So glad it looked good for the photo, as he didn’t call ahead!
I will post pictures later. Wanted to get something posted to keep you up to date on how we’re doing. ~~Rhonda
I seriously don’t know how you do it all! Even with the awesome plan you have outlined for all of us!
I wish I had your energy! LOL!
Everything look wonderful! Can’t wait to see the new theme you come up with for the guest room.
Aunt Rhonda we wish we could be there to help! But it looks like you all are busy little bees
Wouldn’t it be great!? I’d LOVE to have you here. And we could use the help!