This is a very busy time of year for us and the past few days were no exception. As is usual this time of year, my sister Genny was here to help. We managed to get quite a bit done.
We put snow on the small tree that sits on top the dining room cabinet. Snow = cotton. I used to use shredded plastic snow, but I can’t do that in good conscience any longer. Plastic waste is so bad for our planet. The cotton gives us the same effect. Doesn’t look exactly the same, but it works. The two trees with cotton snow on them are taken to the attic for storage with the cotton and lights still on them. This year, the lights had to be replaced on the small tree, so we had to redo the snow, as well.
I opened the box with the Christmas tree toppers in it, so I put them on the candlesticks for display. We’ll probably use them on the cookie table for our Open House.
I made Macadamia Nut Shortbread Cookies with white chocolate chunks.
While baking, I noticed this onion. Seems to think it’s time for spring.
These items went to the freezer. Still some cookies and candy to make, but I am gaining on them!
DH and I put the red beads on the living room tree. With a little help from Clark. Winston was hiding on the box under the tree and watched the activity with a great deal of interest.
Last Friday, I finished this little house. So cute. It’s posted in my Etsy shop ChristmasNotebook.
Today, some craft therapy. I’m going to work on making a few more Putz houses. I’ll try to remember to take some pictures and let you see how I progress. Sometimes, I get so caught up in the project that I forget to document it with pictures!