menu plan monday ~ september 11, 2017

Today I have a lot of things on my to-do list, but I have two things I really want to get done. One is the custom order Putz church I am working on. Woody the Gnome thinks the steeple is great. It reminds him of his hat.

TN church

The other project is to begin embellishing the twenty new Putz houses I have that need to be finished. Most were made earlier this year and they need to be done so I can get them into my ChristmasNotebook Etsy shop. I probably won’t get to them till later this week, but I’m keeping them on my list. I want to get to them as soon as I can.

Waiting for embellishments.

When I need a little humor to brighten my day, Clark is a constant source of amusement. My daughter-in-law dubbed him the monorail cat because he loves to nap on the banister railing in the upstairs hall with all four feet dangling down. How strange and hilarious is that??

Clark the monorail cat

Last Saturday a group of women from my church came over to help put together a quilt top. We have a project underway to make quilts for the twelve missionaries our church supports as a reminder to them that we think of them and pray for them as they work around the world to show Christ’s love to others. Middle Daughter was the “boss” this Saturday. She kept us all on track as we worked, some cutting, some sewing, some ironing. Every helping hand was appreciated! Thank you, friends! This is the quilt top we finished.

Another quilt top done.

This Sunday’s bouquet was a heap of Jerusalem Artichokes from the back yard. Such a happy flower!

Sunday bouquet

Here’s the menu for the week. I have never made the recipe for the Zucchini Gratin we are having this evening. I put it together this afternoon. It’s ready to pop into the oven. I’ll let you know how it turns out. Update: Delicious!

Homemade Rolls
Dill Pickle Spears
Cheesy Zucchini Gratin

BBQ Pork Steaks in the Oven
Garden Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas with Butter

Cream of Chicken Soup with Bacon

Fridge Food


Mexican Dip Bowls

Baby Back Ribs in the Instant Pot (Ribs were on the menu last week, but we had taco salad instead. Go with the flow.)
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli with Lemon Butter
Garden Salad

My week will be full of crafting! Always fun! I hope your week holds good things for you!


menu plan monday ~ september 4, 2017

September is here before I am ready to give up summer. But this month does have its own beauty. Our weather is usually the best in September and October. Lovely cool days with blue skies. Sunny but not hot.

Saturday I enjoyed taking some pictures of the butterflies on the garlic chives. The blossoms were covered in butterflies, little moths, bees and wasps.

Painted Lady (bottom) and a Common Buckeye butterfly.

fall garden

Painted Lady

fall garden

The Jerusalem Artichokes are just starting their bloom time. These make pretty fall bouquets.

fall garden

I combined them with ‘Becky’ daisies for the Sunday bouquet.

Sunday bouquet

I had a very quiet week last week due to Youngest Daughter going back to college and Middle Daughter out of state to visit friends. I spent the time working on Putz orders and some organization projects. I didn’t post a menu last week, but here’s this week’s plan.

Fridge Food
Roasted Cabbage Slices with Bacon

Roast Beef in the Instant Pot with Potatoes and Onions / I brown the beef in a large hot skillet with a generous dose of cumin, salt and pepper before adding it to the Instant Pot.
Steamed Broccoli with Butter
Garden Salad

5-Layer Mexican Dip Bowls

Fridge Food

Cobb Salad

Cheesy Burgers
Pork Rinds and Guacamole
Sweet and Sour Cucumber Slices

Baby Back Ribs in the Instant Pot
Loaded Cauliflower and Broccoli
Garden Salad

After today, our temps are supposed to cool down to 75-80 for the next few weeks. Some of that lovely weather I’ve been looking forward to! I hope your week is a good one. Making a menu plan will go a long way toward making that happen! Give it a try and see how much it eases meal time at your house.


total solar eclipse…amazing!

Did you see the solar eclipse on Monday? It was amazing! We had two minutes and sixteen seconds of totality in our back yard. A good reason to have a party!

We had about 44 people here. Everyone who came brought something to share for dinner. We had quite a spread!

eclipse party

We watched first contact and then DH got the grill going. One of our guests took over that job for him so he could take care of other things. Some of our guests chose to cook their own hot dogs over the fire pit. My sisters Margaret and Genny were a huge help with putting out the meal, along with many others, including DH’s siblings and their families. Everyone was happy to help.

eclipse party

There was a lot of looking up involved.

eclipse party

Lots of cute kids, too.

eclipse party

And lots of happy chatter. Family and friends catching up with each other.

eclipse party

eclipse party

eclipse party

Lots of Moon Pies, of course!

eclipse party

As time went by, we began to get some fun pictures of the shadows caused by the eclipse.

eclipse shadows

eclipse party

Most of the party went out to the white sheets that were stretched on the ground to watch for shadow bands during totality. DH’s brother-in-law is a retired science teacher and he talked to the children about what was happening. And they saw the shadow bands!

eclipse party

When totality started, the crickets and cicadas began to sing loudly! The swallows flew to the chimney of the building next door where they nest at night. We saw Venus. The light became very weird. Like someone used a dimmer switch on it. It was fascinating! I’ve never experienced anything like it.

eclipse party

It got dark! But there was a glow around the horizon. It felt so odd.

eclipse party

eclipse party

It went by too quickly, but what an amazing experience! I was awed by the majesty of God’s creation. There really aren’t words to explain how it made me feel.

“You alone are the LORD. You have made the heavens, The heaven of heavens with all their host, The earth and all that is on it, The seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them And the heavenly host bows down before You.” Nehemiah 9:6

And we get to do it again in 2024! This part of the country is in the intersection of this year’s eclipse path and the path of the 2024 eclipse. A once in a life time experience that we get to experience twice! If you can manage it, find your way to the path of totality and take in the total solar eclipse of 2024. You won’t be sorry!


menu plan monday ~ august 14, 2017

I spent most of last week cleaning up the craft room. I finally found the counters.


Among many other things I located, I also found three Putz houses and a Putz church that had been painted and then forgotten. I put panes in the windows and then found matching bases for the houses. I need to make a base for the church as I didn’t have one already made that matched the colors of the church. Two of the houses need window and door frames.

Putz houses

Middle Daughter and Youngest Daughter went shopping last Thursday. They brought back a toy for the kitties. A carrot stuffed with catnip…the cats are taking turns wrestling with the carrot…this is Amy.

Amy loves her carrot.

Saturday we traveled to Older Son’s house and enjoyed a delicious meal. To get there, we crossed the Stan Span across the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri. Otherwise known as the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge, it is beautiful.

crossing the Stan Span

We had a great visit with our son and his family. It was the first time I got to see their new home. So much more room than they had before. We are very happy for them.

Here is the menu for the week.

Italian Baked Chicken
Roasted New Potatoes
Steamed Cauliflower with Cheddar Cheese
Garden Salad

Cheesy Burgers
Sliced Tomatoes

Fridge Food


Sausage Casserole
Melon Slices

Chicken Salad over Greens
Cheese and Crackers

Roast Beef in the Instant Pot with Potatoes and Carrots
Loaded Cauliflower and Broccoli
Garden Salad

We will have company over the weekend and an eclipse party on Monday. I am excited about the opportunity to see a total solar eclipse. We will have two minutes and 16 seconds of totality in our back yard! It should be fun!


menu plan monday ~ august 7, 2017

Our garden has received much needed rain and the grass is looking greener and the flowers are looking fresher. This past weekend, I used surprise lilies, crepe myrtle, and hosta flowers for the Sunday bouquet.

Sunday bouquet

I captured a little video of Clark. He likes to hang out on the banister in the upstairs hall.

Clark, the monorail cat

He even takes naps there. Such a funny cat.

Clark, the monorail cat

Here’s the menu for the week. I’m loving the Instant Pot. It’a an electric pressure cooker. It cooks quickly without heating the kitchen. Nice this time of year. The more I use it, the more I like it.

Burgers with Smoked Cheddar Cheese
Steamed Broccoli

Roasted Kielbasa and Cabbage

Pork Roast in the Instant Pot
Buttered New Potatoes with Fresh Parsley
Garden Salad
Green Beans

Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken
Sautéed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Dinner to be prepared by our son and DDIL.

Crispy Oven Baked Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Asparagus with Lemon Butter
Garden Salad

Have you planned your menu for the week? I hope you have! It’s so helpful!


the tail end of the week

This past week has been a busy one. Today is much quieter and at a slower pace, which I am enjoying.

DH is the director for our presbytery summer camp. That took place this week, so he was gone to camp. I am the editor of the camp “yearbook,” a collection of pictures of campers, camp activities, and address lists. It takes a full three days to pull that together. Middle Daughter takes tons of pictures for me to use each year. It is fun to do, but by Thursday I was way tired!

Ski kept me company most of the time I was working on the yearbook.


Sometimes he napped, though…


DH got home yesterday, with our grands in tow. It was their first time at summer camp. They had a great week! They stayed all night here and their daddy picked them up this morning. They need to do some school shopping. Their school year starts later this week.

We made a little fire last evening and cooked hot dogs and made S’Mores. The weather was beautiful and it was a pleasant evening to be outside.

backyard cookout

The S’Mores are their favorite part.

Time for S'Mores

We spent part of our outdoor time looking for butterfly eggs on Queen Anne’s Lace, but didn’t find any. The girls were disappointed, but we’ll keep looking. In previous years, we’ve found the black swallowtail butterfly eggs in late August and September. We have a fish tank that we have set aside for raising butterflies, so we’re ready if we do come across some eggs. Here’s a picture of the tank.

butterfly tank

And a picture from last year. Clark paid no attention to the tank until the butterflies emerged. Their fluttering was so exciting!

raising butterflies

Here’s a blog post about our caterpillar / butterfly setup, in case you’re interested in doing the same. It’s an activity that is just as fascinating for adults as it is for the kids.

caterpillar club

Youngest Daughter’s college roommate is visiting this weekend. We aren’t seeing much of them, as is usually the case. They’re making the rounds of places to go and people to see. Soon, they will be starting school where classes and projects will be filling their time.

I am looking forward to getting back to the craft room next week. It has been almost a week since I made any progress there. All those projects I have underway are calling my name and I’m eager to get back to them.


menu plan monday ~ july 31, 2017

Life has been very busy the past several days. Today it has slowed down a bit. I am working on this blue and white Putz church. I like the contrast between the dark blue and the white. I am adding silver embellishments. Maybe some white or clear, too. We shall see how it goes.

blue and white Putz church

Winston loves a good nap. Here he is curled up in my recliner. I always feel bad for shooing him out of such a cozy spot. Doesn’t he look comfy?

Winston loves a cozy corner.

He did let me pet him to make up for waking him up. He’s such a sweet tempered cat.

Winston and  his curly whiskers

We play host to a bee hive that belongs to friends. The bees get lots of lovely flowers and we get a lovely gift of honey! Thank you, Diane! I poured off a bit to give to our pastor’s wife when she came by to say hi. She asked if it was local. I said it was about as local as you can get. Part of it may have come from our yard!

very local honey

I’m keeping the menu easy this week, so I can concentrate on a big project the next few days. I usually have a cobb-style salad for lunch and then a meat and veggie combo for supper, with a side salad for good measure. Wiki says to remember what’s in a Cobb salad this way…
“One way to remember the components is to use the mnemonic EAT COBB: Egg, Avocado, Tomato, Chicken, Onion, Bacon, Blue cheese…then add lettuce.” I usually have feta instead of blue cheese, but the rest sounds right. 🙂

Cobb Salad

Stir Fried Kielbasa and Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Cheddar Burgers
Dill Pickle Spears
Steamed Broccoli

Summer Squash Stir Fry
Garden Salad

Baby Back Ribs
Asparagus with Lemon Butter
Garden Salad
Corn on the Cob

Fridge Food

Pork Roast in the Instant Pot
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Toasted Pecans and Avocado
Boiled New Potatoes with fresh parsley and butter
Garden Salad

Have a great week! ~~Rhonda

the same turtle…four times

We are blessed with a large yard. It’s about 3.5 acres. Most of the front yard has flower beds while the backyard has a few old oaks and some open grass. In the backyard, there’s an ancient mulberry tree with an old well under its branches. Near the well, a tiny spring bubbles up and keeps the ground damp and the grass green, even when we’re in a drought. The temperature is noticeably cooler under the tree, even on the hottest days. Past the mulberry, we have a little one acre “woods” at the south end of the property. It was all grass when we moved in, except for two large pin oaks. After a while, I began to mow around little oaks that sprouted where the squirrels had hidden acorns. After a while, I was just mowing paths through the trees. Now we have a little woods. The whole yard is a wildlife magnet, which we enjoy a great deal.

One species we keep track of are the box turtles. It amazing how many different ones we’ve seen in the 20+ years we have lived here. At some point, we began taking pictures to keep track of them. This morning, after a good rain during the night, DH found an old friend. This particular turtle has been spotted at least four times in our yard.

Seeing the box turtle this morning reminded me of the beauty that can be captured right in our own backyard. Wildlife photography doesn’t always have to involve trekking deep into untouched forests—sometimes, it’s about observing what’s right around you.

Guided tours can offer unique opportunities to witness wildlife up close in their natural habitats. I recently came across a fantastic site named Chasing Wildlife that offers excellent tour packages tailored for wildlife enthusiasts. If you’re interested in expanding your photography beyond your property, consider planning a visit here to explore other diverse natural areas.

Their experiences allow you to capture incredible moments, whether it’s capturing rare species, like the Iberian Lynx, or simply learning how to photograph more common but equally fascinating animals. It’s a perfect way to dive deeper into wildlife photography while ensuring you’re guided by experts who know the terrain and behavior of the animals.

Their guided tours include expert-led excursions to prime locations, allowing you to immerse yourself in nature and capture breathtaking images while learning from seasoned professionals.

This morning he was found under the redbud tree near the old foundation in the backyard.

Found July 27, 2017.

April 28, 2012
He was found on the east side of the fenced garden, with his girlfriend. But she got away before I could take her picture.

carapace of the box turtle

May 1, 2010…caught in the act of mating.
Found in the flowerbed under the Southern Red Oak in the backyard.

Eastern Box Turtles

September 8, 2009
Found near the old foundation by the veggie garden, which is where he was found this morning.

Eastern box turtle

Our friend has a bright red eye which indicates a male turtle.

Eastern box turtle

Turtle populations are declining in a many parts of the United States. It’s important to take care of the wild population to give them the best possible chance for survival. If you see a turtle crossing a road, do stop if you can safely do so, and move it to the side of the road it is heading for. Don’t move turtles to other areas where you think they may be safer. Turtles attempt to return to their original habitat. Most box turtles have a limited home range of half an acre to up to two acres. Some will range over as much as ten acres. Their home range can overlap with other turtles. They don’t mind sharing.

We’ll keep an eye out for more turtle sightings and we’ll keep you posted!


grandma’s kitchen and other memories

I was thinking about Grandma Ruth’s kitchen this morning. Not sure how I wound up down that road, but it brought back a lot of memories. I think it started when I remembered Grandma giving me a bath in her kitchen sink. I must have been four or five? Or less? But I remember it vividly. She bathed me and then lifted me out of the sink and put me on the floor. She handed me a towel and told me to dry off. I had trouble doing my back. She said, “Didn’t anyone every show you how to dry your back?” And then proceeded to teach me how to hold the towel kitty-cornered across my back, first one way, then the other, as I moved the towel back and forth. Such a vivid memory.

Grandma in her kitchen.

Grandma Ruth

Grandpa and Grandma’s house was L-shaped and had a porch that ran along the inside of the “L” and then along the end of the “L.” Got that?? We’d start at one end (the top of the L) and run! Turn left and run, turn right and keep running so we could fly off the side of the porch. A short drop to the ground and then we’d run around the house and do it again! And again! The porch boards made a thwacking sound as we ran along. Loud!

Here’s a picture of the house that my Aunt Carol painted when she was twelve years old.

family farm house

In this picture, you can see the porch in the background. When I was a child, Grandma had planted shrubs (Bridal Wreath spirea, I think) all along the porch with lily of the valley growing below the shrubs.

Back: Donald, Grandpa, Dad, Grandma
Front: Joyce, Gary, Carol and Linda (Phyllis, the oldest, isn’t in the picture.)

Clarence and Ruth, all kids but Phyllis

The door everyone used entered from the porch into the kitchen. The kitchen table was on the left side of the room and a path of newspapers on the floor led past the table and then left into the living room. The kitchen counters and appliances were on the right and far sides of the kitchen. If I remember correctly, there were three windows in the kitchen. One looked over the back yard into the barnyard. One looked toward the pole barn (in above picture behind the car) and one faced south looking over the front yard and the long driveway down to the country road. There used to be two poplar trees at the road, marking Grandpa’s driveway. They must have been Lombardy Poplars because they grew tall and straight and narrow.

The way the sunlight danced across the kitchen table in the morning or how the glow of the evening settled over the barnyard through the back window made the space feel warm and timeless. Windows have a way of connecting us to the past, framing moments both big and small—like watching a summer storm roll in or catching a glimpse of Grandpa walking back from the fields. Nowadays, homes are thoughtfully designed to embrace natural light and fresh air, and windows with retractable screens provide the perfect balance of practicality and elegance. They allow the breeze to flow in on crisp autumn afternoons while keeping out the buzzing insects of summer, a modern convenience that still preserves the simple joy of looking out onto a familiar landscape.

In the kitchen. The window on the left looks east. The one on the right looks south.

Ruth and Clarence in the kitchen

There was a cupboard built into the wall near the table and I found it fascinating that you could open the doors in the wall and find shelves, with dishes and, more importantly, saltine crackers! We’d beg a few to feed the fish, which was always an adventure. Grandpa had a metal watering trough that was kept full by a nearby pump. Grandpa had a little motor there. When he flipped the switch, the cold water would come out of the pump, go down a little piece of pipe and flow into the trough. In the trough were huge goldfish that lived there year round. Moss grew in the water and we’d have to watch closely, leaning over the fencing, to get the first glimpse of the flash of gold as the fish came up for cracker crumbs.

I think this picture of my father was taken when he was in the fourth grade, about the age I was when these memories were made. He said he was embarrassed that day because he had new overalls and they were too long for him.

Alan Ashby

Grandpa and Grandma had a large vegetable garden. It was fun to pick tomatoes with Grandma. She was a hard worker, though, and we usually petered out before she did. My grandparents also raised their own popping corn. One of the few times I was allowed in Grandma’s bedroom was when she told me to look under the bed and pull some popcorn ears from the large burlap sack where they were stored. We shelled the little ears of corn and she made a skillet full of popcorn for us on the kitchen stove. Another treat Grandma gave us were snowballs she saved and gave us to eat in the summer. She gave us a salt shaker for sprinkling salt on our snowballs. Cousins, do you remember eating snowballs? Or was that a one time thing?

Grandpa and his three sons, Donald, Gary and my Dad.

Clarence and three sons

Once, I was fascinated to see a cow giving birth in the barnyard. But Grandma hustled me away from the kitchen window. She didn’t think I should be watching that! There was an indoor bathroom, but we weren’t allowed to use it. We had to use the outhouse at Grandma’s. But the trek to the outhouse was fun. The path led past the rabbit hutch and we’d stop to feed the bunnies some fresh grass or clover. It never occurred to us that Grandpa butchered the rabbits for meat! From there, we had to watch our step, because we had to cut across the chicken yard to reach our destination. One time, when my eldest daughter was three or four, I took her to the outhouse and she peeked in, then said, “Yeah, but where’s the bathroom?” That was an adventure!

Grandma let me help her make soap. She showed me how to churn butter. We picked raspberries together. Her root cellar was a mysterious place to me. Dark and quiet and cool. It was always fun to go to Grandpa and Grandma’s house. My grandma was steady, sweet-tempered, gentle and quiet. I miss her a lot.

Ruth and spring flowers


menu plan monday ~ july 24, 2017

Last Saturday, DH and I went to my Dad’s house for a family reunion. I shared a picture of Dad and his siblings in my last post. Another highlight of the afternoon was a drawing for two quilts that had been made by my paternal grandmother and her mother.

The first quilt was won by my niece’s husband. The quilt is embroidered and has blocks for the (at the time) 48 states.


The second quilt, a lovely scrap quilt, was won by my Uncle Donald.


I captured a picture of Clark napping on the upstairs banister yesterday. He does this a lot! My DDIL dubbed him the “monorail cat.”

Clark the monorail cat

DH caught this picture of him from the other side. The ceiling of the downstairs is 12′ high. That’s a long way down!

Clark the monorail cat

I am happily ensconced in my craft room, working on the embellishments for about twenty Putz houses I’ve made over the past several months. I had been working at the craft desk downstairs and all my extra “stuff,” like embellishments, are upstairs in the official craft room. Here are two Putz houses made from a pattern I drafted.

Putz house

Putz house

Putz house

Putz house

I took this picture one evening as I left the kitchen and headed to my craft desk. The big windows in this old house make for some pretty lighting, especially in the early mornings and early evenings.

evening light

Here’s the menu for the coming week. I’m enjoying using my Instant Pot for meal making. An easy way to prepare a meal. And it doesn’t heat the kitchen during these hot days of summer.

Cheddar Burgers
Loaded Broccoli and Cauliflower Casserole

Fridge Food

Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast
Asparagus with Lemon Butter
Garden Salad

Instant Pot Mongolian Beef
Cauliflower and Broccoli

Instant Pot Kielbasa and Cabbage
Sliced Cucumbers and Tomatoes

Fridge Food

Garlic Herb Pot Roast in the Instant Pot
Garden Salad
Green Beans
New Potatoes in Butter

Do you have a meal plan for the week? It makes meal prep easier in so many ways! You’ll save time, money and fretting about what to make for supper!
