Category Archives: menu

menu plan monday ~ july 18, 2011

We’ve had a busy and tiring weekend. DH rode in RAIN (Ride Across INdiana), a cycling event, on Saturday. This was his tenth year to ride. He finished in 11 hours and 45 minutes, counting stops. Actual ride time was 9:55. DD#2 and I provided support. Food, water, cool washcloths, more sunscreen, etc. A good […]

menu plan monday ~ july 11, 2011

A couple of garden pics…then the menu for the week. The front yard has been quite colorful the past few weeks. Several more weeks and the majority of the daylilies will be done blooming. Enjoy it while you can! ‘Apple Tart’ Monday Taco Salad Tuesday Sesame Shrimp Stir Fry Rice Wednesday Grilled Chicken Veggie Packets […]

menu plan monday ~ july 4, 2011

Better late than never, right? I had the menu made and ready to post on Monday, but forgot about it. That’s what a holiday weekend will do for you. Hope your Fourth was fun! Monday Grilled Chicken Grilled Veggies in Foil Packets Garden Salad Corn on the Cob Tuesday Supper ~ Taco Salad Wednesday Homemade […]

menu plan monday ~ june 27, 2011

We’re having a great time with our older son’s family who are here visiting for the week. The twins played in the mud puddles Sunday afternoon. DH reintroduced the girls to his mom, their great-grandma. And we’re getting and giving plenty of lovin’. Lots of fridge food (leftovers), so most of the time everyone does […]

menu plan monday ~ june 20, 2011

Today is my sister Genny’s birthday. Happy birthday, Genny! Genny is a giver and she gives to me all the time. She comes down to help with any kind of project I want to do. She works full time and saves vacation days so she can come in November and help me decorate for Christmas. […]

menu plan monday ~ june 13, 2011

Seems the weather is going to be cooler this week than last, but perhaps wetter. We’re not adverse to a little rain, though. The garden would appreciate it. The daylilies are providing a lot of color in the garden right now. This is the “common” daylily, otherwise known as a “ditch lily” around here. But […]

menu plan monday ~ june 6, 2011

The weather has turned into summer quickly. It’s been hot and humid. The peonies and most of the irises are done blooming. The Asiatic lilies are blooming, though, and they are beautiful. We don’t have as many as I’d like, but here is one of my favorites. The daylilies are beginning to bloom and that’s […]

menu plan monday ~ may 30, 2011

Today was Memorial Day in the United States. We didn’t participate in our usual tradition of attending the ceremony at a local cemetery where many of DH’s ancestors are buried. Instead, DH and two of our daughters joined our younger son and his wife to attend a special event at another cemetery. DH’s great-great-great-grandfather fought […]

menu plan monday ~ may 23, 2011

We had a busy weekend, preparing for our church’s annual spring picnic at our house. We had more than 90 people here, which is the largest turnout for the picnic we’ve ever had. LOTS of fun!! This sweet picnic-er kept everyone entertained. 🙂 The weather was forecast to be rainy on Saturday and Sunday, but […]

menu plan monday ~ may 16, 2011

It’s a week of birthdays in our family. My Dad’s birthday is the eighteenth. As is my younger son’s and my SIL’s. My niece’s birthday was yesterday and my birthday is a week from tomorrow. My family was here yesterday afternoon and we celebrated Dad’s birthday with a cake. My four sisters and two sisters-in-law […]