Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

menu plan monday ~ september 11, 2017

Today I have a lot of things on my to-do list, but I have two things I really want to get done. One is the custom order Putz church I am working on. Woody the Gnome thinks the steeple is great. It reminds him of his hat. The other project is to begin embellishing the […]

menu plan monday ~ september 4, 2017

September is here before I am ready to give up summer. But this month does have its own beauty. Our weather is usually the best in September and October. Lovely cool days with blue skies. Sunny but not hot. Saturday I enjoyed taking some pictures of the butterflies on the garlic chives. The blossoms were […]

total solar eclipse…amazing!

Did you see the solar eclipse on Monday? It was amazing! We had two minutes and sixteen seconds of totality in our back yard. A good reason to have a party! We had about 44 people here. Everyone who came brought something to share for dinner. We had quite a spread! We watched first contact […]

menu plan monday ~ august 14, 2017

I spent most of last week cleaning up the craft room. I finally found the counters. Among many other things I located, I also found three Putz houses and a Putz church that had been painted and then forgotten. I put panes in the windows and then found matching bases for the houses. I need […]

menu plan monday ~ august 7, 2017

Our garden has received much needed rain and the grass is looking greener and the flowers are looking fresher. This past weekend, I used surprise lilies, crepe myrtle, and hosta flowers for the Sunday bouquet. I captured a little video of Clark. He likes to hang out on the banister in the upstairs hall. He […]

the tail end of the week

This past week has been a busy one. Today is much quieter and at a slower pace, which I am enjoying. DH is the director for our presbytery summer camp. That took place this week, so he was gone to camp. I am the editor of the camp “yearbook,” a collection of pictures of campers, […]

menu plan monday ~ july 31, 2017

Life has been very busy the past several days. Today it has slowed down a bit. I am working on this blue and white Putz church. I like the contrast between the dark blue and the white. I am adding silver embellishments. Maybe some white or clear, too. We shall see how it goes. Winston […]

the same turtle…four times

We are blessed with a large yard. It’s about 3.5 acres. Most of the front yard has flower beds while the backyard has a few old oaks and some open grass. In the backyard, there’s an ancient mulberry tree with an old well under its branches. Near the well, a tiny spring bubbles up and […]

grandma’s kitchen and other memories

I was thinking about Grandma Ruth’s kitchen this morning. Not sure how I wound up down that road, but it brought back a lot of memories. I think it started when I remembered Grandma giving me a bath in her kitchen sink. I must have been four or five? Or less? But I remember it […]

menu plan monday ~ july 24, 2017

Last Saturday, DH and I went to my Dad’s house for a family reunion. I shared a picture of Dad and his siblings in my last post. Another highlight of the afternoon was a drawing for two quilts that had been made by my paternal grandmother and her mother. The first quilt was won by […]