sunday was busy, too!

Back to work on Sunday! Genny worked on the tree all day. She has it almost done. Just a few more details.

chalkboard Christmas tree

I made four kinds of truffles and then spent the day rolling them while talking with Genny. The whole house smelled like chocolate.

making truffles

Melted chocolate and heavy whipping cream…all you need for Chocolate Creams.

making truffles

Almond Truffles…they were so shiny and smooth.

making truffles

Mocha Truffles. When I dip these in dark chocolate I will drizzle pale chocolate over the tops.

making truffles

Raspberry Truffles. Yum!

making truffles

DH put all these centers into the freezer for me. A few days before the Open House in December, I will thaw them and then dip them in chocolate or white almond bark. Each will get a particular topping so guests can know what is inside.

Tomorrow Younger Son’s wife will stop by on her way home from a wedding. We are looking forward to seeing her! It’s been too long! Younger Son stayed in Seattle as they were expecting big storms. He wanted to keep an eye on the house and on their kitties. Thankfully, they didn’t have any damage and came through the bad weather in good shape.

Tomorrow I plan to finsh the pattern for another Putz house and I have an Etsy order to ship. I’ll keep you posted on progress!


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