Last night, DH spent a little time with a new slide scanner. He scanned several and one of them was this picture of our older son’s 6th birthday in 1985.
I used the same pan (and a cat cake pan that is just as old) for his twins’ first birthday last year.
DD#3 wanted it for her birthday just a few weeks ago.
I also have a star. That’s the extent of my themed cake pans. They’ve been well used over the years. Worth every penny.
You should see my collection of pans – I really should use them once in a while for church dinners, etc. They are so much fun to decorate!
The picture of David and his twins looks like a scrapbook page in the making
Isn’t that the truth!? I don’t think she likes my almond flavored frosting at first. But she got more into as she went along. LOL!