girls in the garden

Last evening, our son and his family came by for plants. Before digging, DH played with the twins for a bit. He pulled out the old Big Wheel that used to be at his parents’ house for their grandchildren to play with. Our son actually played on it when he was a kidlet. The girls had a hard time pedaling, perhaps due in part to the fact the seat is long gone, so there is no back support. And partly due to trying to ride it through the grass. But they had fun.

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

There was time to play with the rocks in the driveway.

lots of rocks

walking the driveway

And time to help Pa plant a few daylilies he had divided while digging.

helping Pa in the garden

Any time Rose Red sees the shovel she asks, “Can I dig? Can I dig?”

helping Pa in the garden

helping Pa in the garden

All done.

helping Pa in the garden

Snow White helped package plants for the yard at the farm.

helping Pa in the garden

And Rose Red checked the mail. Just to be sure.

checking Ma's mail

While all that was going on, the girls’ parents pulled weeds. Yay! Thanks, again! We hauled two wagon loads, piled high, to the compost pile.


One Comment

  1. Mary
    Posted April 27, 2012 at 12:45 pm | Permalink

    And I guess they got to help plant when they got home 🙂 How they must enjoy visiting the grandparents!

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