Christmas prep

Last weekend we got a lot of decorating done. My daughter-in-law and my sister came to help. The dining room was finished, with the exception of one window sill. I need to paint a flowerpot white to complete that project.

DH and our daughter-in-law put up the snow tree. “Snowing” it is the final (and most fun) part. They gently laid handfuls of shredded artificial snow on the branches.

snowing the tree

I made the snowball ornaments for this tree years ago.

snow and snow balls

Our daughter helped her sister-in-law sprinkle the topping of iridescent snow over the finished tree. I had to ask them to turn around and look at me. All I had were pictures of backs. 🙂 Side note…you can’t go wrong with a Little Giant ladder! Every time we need to get up to something, we remark on how glad we are to have it!

snowing the tree

A little greenery over the picture and a little snow on the cupboard tree, and we’re almost done.

dining room cupboard

Silver spindles hang from the reproduction lighting.

dining room light

The windowsills need some candles and then we’ll be done with the dining room. All but the pick up…I confess there are a few boxes and odds and ends left in the room. But we’re well on our way with the decorating!


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