How to build a Putz House using a Christmas Tree Lot as the example.
Part 1 / How to build a putz house / from pattern to ready to assemble
Part 2 / How to build a putz house / assembling to painting
Part 3 / How to build a putz house / add the base and the embellishments

My favorite tools and supplies for making Putz houses
Tutorial / building a Putz house
Tutorial / making bases for Putz houses
Tutorial / Making a Putz house base from a greeting card
Tutorial for making picket fences for Putz houses, using corrugated cardboard
Tutorial for making fence posts
Make a board fence for your Putz barn or house.
Tutorial for attaching fences and fence posts to the bases
Making wreaths and garlands for a Putz house
Making stepping stones for a Putz house.
How to embellish bottle brush trees with snow and glitter
Decorating bottle brush trees with beads and miniature ornaments.
Adding pips to bottle brush trees
Setting bells in Putz church bell towers
Some of the first little glitter houses I made (in 2009)
More houses I’ve drawn patterns for