Category Archives: our garden

out the door and into the garden

It’s early summer and the daylilies are blooming, with more opening every day. We have about 400 daylily cultivars in the garden, so it’s exciting to see what has opened in the past 24 hours. But that’s not all that’s going on out there. The hostas are beginning to bloom. You can see the lavender […]

picking raspberries

The twins and their daddy stopped by this morning. The girls heard Pa say something about the raspberries being ripe and they were off like a shot. Time to pick! Wearing Ma’s garden hat… We’re looking forward to a good crop. And lots of help picking. 🙂 ~~Rhonda

end of may…and the garden is changing again

The garden continues to surprise us with the earlier than usual bloom times. The daylilies are beginning to bloom, with more open each day. They are running two to three weeks earlier than the earliest dates we’ve recorded in the past. Here are a few pretty ones. ‘Jason Salter’ ‘Tiger Track’ ‘New Journey’ ‘Sorrento Song’ […]

moving a large hosta

Do you remember how beautiful the hosta ‘Sagae’ looked this spring? Well, the redbud tree it was under was dying and had to be cut down a week ago. Our many grateful thanks to our friend Paul and the crew members he sent over to help us out with that tree and several other projects! […]

spring garden

The weather yesterday and today has been beautiful. Mild temperatures and a nice breeze. A couple of near perfect days. The hydrangeas continue to look beautiful. This smaller plant is a few years old. It grew from one of our older plants and we moved it around the corner. This year, it has quite a […]

hosta beds

Though the daylilies are beginning to bloom, the garden is a little sparse on color right now. The earliest daylilies, like ‘Black Eyed Susan,’ ‘Stella d’Oro,’ and ‘Bitsy,’ are blooming well. Others are just beginning to open, like ‘Priceless Pearl.’ While we wait on the daylilies, there are a lot of other things to see. […]

hostas in the garden…and other lovely things

As I may have mentioned before, the hostas seem to be especially beautiful this year. ‘Blue Angel’ is just getting started in our garden. We’ve had it for several years, but this one will be quite large when it reaches maturity. It can take 7-10 years to reach maturity, so plant it where you can […]

Sunday bouquet

Today’s bouquet was made with rhododendron and ‘Goldflame’ spirea. This one went together pretty fast. I used a round crystal bowl to hold it, with floral foam taped into the bowl. I like the way it turned out. The glass votive with a few stray blossoms is courtesy of Rose Red. She likes to use […]

the garden is leaping toward summer

There is so much going on in the garden this week that I don’t know where to start. Spring lingers in the peonies and the irises. Summer beckons as the daylily scapes begin to shoot upward. The columbine are setting seed. They self sow easily. If you have a columbine plant, you’ll find new plants […]

bouquet of peonies

The Sunday bouquet was made up of peonies this week. Five different kinds, though it’s hard to tell from this picture. ‘Raspberry Sundae,’ ‘Sorbet,’ ‘Monsieur Jules Elie, ‘Honey Gold,’ and ‘Festiva Maxima.’ All with a very heady scent, too. DH picked them Saturday evening and the entire downstairs smelled like peonies on Sunday morning. ~~Rhonda