Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

my life right now…

Currently, my life is on hold. I have a terrible cold. I know I’m not the only one. It is making the rounds. Headache, painful cough, sore throat, low grade fever, you name it, I’ve got it. I have spent three days in the recliner trying not to move or talk too much. Both make […]

fourth and last Valentine’s putz

I didn’t feel well over the weekend and didn’t come up to the craft room on Saturday or Sunday. I think I’m on the mend, though I now have a bad cold settling in my chest. Some coughing and a headache, but better than the past weekend. I had finished the Valentine Putz house Friday […]

two valentine putz houses

I finished two of the three Putz houses I have been working on for Valentine’s Day. They are posted in my Etsy shop. A vintage Valentine postcard is featured on the bottom of the base. A little surprise when the house is tipped up. Tiny pink beads line the sidewalk. The second house is […]

valentine putz

One of my goals related to my “putzing” is to make Putz houses to represent the months of the year. I am currently working on several Valentine’s Day Putz houses. It’s been a struggle for me. I had to decide what to do about the bases because I like to use a Christmas card when […]

replenishing Putz supplies

The past week I have worked on replenishing some of my basic supplies needed for my Putz houses. I made a lot of fence posts. So nice to have those on hand when I’m putting together a new Putz house. I like to put fences around all of them, sometimes with posts, sometimes without. If […]

the last two putz houses from the box

The weather was beautiful today. We had a high of 69 and it was sunny all day. I opened the window in the craft room and let that wonderful fresh air waft in. Smelled so good! Another six to eight weeks and we may have crocus blooming in the back yard. Today I finally finished […]

putz houses from the past week or so

I have been busy working my way through the box of Putz houses I had stashed from a few years ago. Most needed window panes and frames. I finished those touches and have been putting them on bases ever since. Here are a few of the ones I have finished. The double chimney blue house… […]

making putz bases

I continue to work on my box of Putz houses. I put window panes in them and made window and door frames for some of them. I’ll finish that part of the project tomorrow. Yesterday (Friday) I spent my craft time making bases for the little houses. I scoured my Christmas card collection to find […]

green and pink two-story putz

I’ve been working on the box of Putz houses I had made a couple of years ago. None of them had window panes, so I put those in first. After the window panes were in, it was time to add the window and door frames. I started with the little two-story green house with the […]

soup and putz

Our weather has been cold and windy. I made chicken tortellini soup this morning and put four quarts into the fridge. We’ll be set for a few days. I find soup comforting when the weather is bitter. I have a box of Putz houses that I made a few years ago. Today I got them […]