The weather the past weekend was beautiful. REC and I took the opportunity to take a country drive. We went out to Old Salem Cemetery where family members rest. It is a quiet and peaceful place. Care is taken to treat it with respect, keeping it in good condition. Recently, the tombstones were professionally cleaned and they gleamed in the bright sunlight.

REC visited with family…

…and did a bit of birdwatching on the side.

The cemetery is bounded by woods on two sides and corn fields on the other two sides.

Childhood memories pop up when I’m taking a leisurely drive on the back roads. Not sure why. Maybe because we took country roads almost every Sunday to have dinner at my maternal grandparents’ house or for a visit at my paternal grandparents’ home.
Dad always drove. Mom always talked about what she saw out the car window. She loved any wooded area and she’d talk about what was blooming in the woods, how beautiful the leaves were in the fall, how tall the goldenrod was growing along the road, how peaceful a fresh snowfall looked in the woods.
Country roads link me to my childhood. They link me to my mother.