I have a bit of spring inside.

Every year, sometime in late January, we cut forsythia branches to bring into the house to force the bloom. It usually takes 11-14 days for the blossoms to pop out.

Forsythia is easy to force. Cut some branches, put them in a vase of water and wait two weeks. That’s all there is to it. You can force other branches, too. Lilacs work, though the flowers stay as buds and don’t open. But the leaves are a beautiful spring green and well worth the wait. Fruit tree branches can also be forced.

We also have these amaryllis which we planted well before Christmas, but they lagged and lagged, finally sending up their stalks in January.

This one sent up one, very long stalk.

I love flowers. Especially in January when my spirit wants spring, sunshine, fresh green, and daffodils. These will help me wait a little more patiently.