getting to know you, getting to know all about you…

Oldest Daughter brought a kitten home with her when she finished her summer job at a girls’ camp in New York. The kitten, Cedar, is probably a few weeks older than our newly acquired kitten, Amy. It has taken them about a week to get used to one another. But now they play hard!

Here they are playing in the library, where everything was pulled out for the beginning of a toy storage project we want to complete before our twin granddaughters move to the area in a few months. More about that in a later post.

I'll take the high road

They can hardly stand it…waiting for someone to make the first move.

stand off


The little chair is a favorite place to play.

king of the chair

teasing each other



After they play hard, chasing each other from room to room, they suddenly flop down and nap for several hours. Any convenient place works for them. Cedar chose the bottom shelf of the cleaning cart, which is in the kitchen doubling as a canning station right now.

nap time

Amy flopped down on the nearest cardboard box. Believe it or not, Christmas presents are starting to arrive! The kittens are enjoying the empty boxes!

worn out

We’re glad they have decided to get along. Now we have to reintroduce Zilli to the family. She just moved back home, after living with Middle Daughter for some time. She’s staying away from the kittens by holing up in DD’s room for now. Hopefully, she will relax and remember that life here was pretty good.


One Comment

  1. Posted August 29, 2011 at 6:19 pm | Permalink

    I love the picture of the kitties on the little wooden chair “bunk bed” 🙂

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment about your pie plate collection. I will try to link it up to my “Alternative Home Decor Database”!

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