January 30, 2018 – 11:53 am
Monday / Lots of cloudy days lately. I got a shot of the 15 seconds of sun I saw that morning.

Tuesday / Ski and Winston enjoy their favorite fountain.

Wednesday / I ❤ glitter.

I ❤ lots of glitter. I’m glad to have it organized and ready to use!

Thursday / Clark stands guard over Middle Daughter’s packing.

Friday / I didn’t get a picture on Friday, so here’s one from Saturday. Amy loves a good belly rub.

Saturday / While I took the ornaments off the living room tree, I paused to take a picture of this one. My maternal grandfather did a lot of carving with his pocket knife. He gave me this little trinket on my 21st birthday.

Sunday / When we went to evening church, just at dusk, we saw a herd of nineteen deer in the field behind the church. How often do we overlook the blessings of nature when we see them every day? Then we see something out of the ordinary, and it reminds us of God’s creation and the every-day beauty all around us. Even in the dead of winter.

Another week of decluttering under my belt. Looking at another one this week.
January 23, 2018 – 1:12 pm
Monday / snow and sleet

Tuesday / kitty love

Wednesday / organizing the craft room / Putz embellishments in bead boxes

Thursday / honey-do / I need a storage system for large poster board and cardboard pieces.

Friday / Before and After

Saturday / Yummy breakfast / Cabbage, spinach and arugula sautéed with bacon

Sunday / New valances in the craft room / I had two valances on each window and it wasn’t full enough. Ordered three more so each window now has three valances. Looks a lot better.

That was my week in a nutshell. Lots of decluttering and organizing going on in the craft room. More of the same this week.
December 28, 2017 – 12:02 pm
There is one man in all the world who does this for me…
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:12-14
My beloved husband is celebrating his birthday today. He has a tradition of riding his age on his bike during his birthday week. He accomplished that by riding in this freezing weather, combined with some miles on his trainer. Dressed more warmly than in this picture, I might add.

Happy birthday to my favorite.

Thank you for all you do for me, our family, our church and the community. I love you!
December 12, 2017 – 10:29 pm
Here it is! This year’s chalkboard Christmas tree. You can see the previous five chalkboard trees here: Chalkboard Christmas Trees
Our theme for this year is “…not even a mouse…”

As in previous years, I googled the internet for images that would fit the theme. I searched < Christmas mice >, printed the images I liked and then edited those pictures for the final image.

The chalkboard is first divided into the sections, with a vertical line for the tree trunk and horizontal lines for the branches. Then we tape up the pictures, move them around, move them again…till we’ve decided on the design we want.

Each design is transferred to the chalkboard.

Then the chalking begins. We decided to add popcorn and cranberry strings this year.

Starting at the top…

The bottom of the tree features Clark and Winston. Clark is being entertained with Christmas carols and Winston is napping with a little mouse napping on Winston’s head.

Another year, another chalkboard Christmas tree. I wonder what next year’s theme will be?
Merry Christmas from all of us! ~~Rhonda
November 7, 2017 – 3:03 pm
I listed three new Putz houses to Etsy this week.
These houses are in a simpler style than my usual Putz. I’ve had a few requests for less embellished houses and I am always happy to make houses in different styles. These houses were constructed earlier this year and emblellished a week or so ago.
The first one is a dark yellow and green house. Small gold bead strings decorate the two bottle brush trees and line the eaves of the roof.

The green fence is a simple scalloped design.

The metal embellishment over the small upper window is a flattened bead cap. Isn’t it pretty with the light shining through it?

This unusual color combination of country blue and coral is inspired by the picture on the base of this house. I enjoy using an unusual card for the bottom of the base. It’s an extra little surprise.

Love the little houses when they are glowing with light.

This dark red Putz with a green roof is one of my favorites. I love the classic Christmas colors and the little bead snowman in the front yard.

He’s the perfect size.

If you are interested in constructing your own little Putz houses, follow this link to my tutorials. I am always happy to answer questions about the process.
Putz house tutorials
As always, 100% of the proceeds from my Etsy shop, and all other sales of my Putz and Christmas ornaments, support Kenya Mercy Ministries. These dedicated people serve children and their families who live in the largest slum in Africa.