Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

a putz barn and a putz house

This Putz barn was made months ago, but I hadn’t found a Christmas card that I liked for the base until a few weeks ago. The words, the harness bells and the trail of stars are picked out in a shiny gold foil. Santa is checking on the reindeer! A tiny deer stands in the […]

making progress with Christmas prep

Christmas preparations are well underway. I am cranking out the cookies and truffles! During the past week, I’ve made the following… Peanut Butter Cup Cookies I love to use this recipe for the peanut butter cookie dough. It tastes so good!   Honey Peanut Butter Cookies Unwrapping the mini peanut butter cups takes more time than […]

Christmas prep over the weekend

Genny arrived Saturday morning and we started on our Christmas preparations. I began by mixing together ingredients for two kinds of truffles. Almond Truffles and Raspberry Truffles. Both are easy to make. Later in the day, after the chocolate had hardened a bit, I used a small cookie scoop to portion out the centers. Then […]

this week’s Christmas cookies

Today I made three batches of cookies for the freezer in preparation for our annual open house in December. I made Holiday Oatmeal Icebox Cookies. I usually roll these into logs and roll them in green and red sugar. Today I just added coarse green and red sugar to the batter. I used a cookie scoop to […]

two Christmas trees started over the weekend

Yes, we’re putting up Christmas trees already. That’s just the way we roll around here. We do a lot of decorating, so we need to start early if it’s to be a pleasant experience! This past weekend, my sister came to help. We put up the “glass tree” which is an artificial tree decorated completely […]

checking in…

Update from my house. I haven’t done any crafting this week at all. I’ve been sorting boxes. Yes, mostly dull work. But a few surprises. During July I had help from my sisters, Genny and Margaret, to go through the attic, sorting boxes, pitching, donating, packing the kids’ stuff into taped-shut boxes for deportation to […]

two story putz house

I drew the pattern for this Putz house in 2012. It remains one of my favorite patterns. The tree is decorated with red, glass pearl beads, faux snow and white glitter. The Christmas card I used to make the base features snowmen and peppermint letters. I used red and white striped chenille stems to embellish […]

back to a simple putz design

I went for a very traditional feel with this mini Putz house. I had made a base from a long Christmas card and wanted something traditional to go with the very traditional feel of the card. I also wanted to make a mini Putz, so this card was perfect as there is little wiggle room […]

is my putz house style evolving?

Recently, I have made a few Putz houses that are more complicated than I usually make. Most often, I stick to a style of house that is approximately three inches wide and about an inch deep. More or less. But I’ve made a few houses based on the houses pictured on Christmas cards and some […]

a simple putz house for a long card

This is another card that I have held onto for a while, waiting for the right inspiration to use it as a base for a Putz house. It has a simple design and needed a simple house. This is what I came up with a few days ago. The blue is Apple Barrell Blue Cotton (21886E) […]