We have been enjoying daffodils and other spring flowers for a month or so. Today DH picked a sprig of lilac for me. A tiny bouquet that smells so good!

We’ve lived in our new home for 2 1/2 years. The yard has a long way to go before we can enjoy the number of spring flowers we had at the previous house. Fortunately, we live only two miles north of the other house, and our older son and his family live there now. They have been bringing over bouquets of spring flowers for me to enjoy. This one includes redbud blossoms (purple), quince (coral), a variety of daffodils and a beautiful pink tulip.

Winston always wants to check out fresh flowers. He sometimes thinks they are a snack for him. This bouquet included various daffodils, honesty plant (purple), lilac, and Virginia bluebells (blue).

Winston and I enjoyed a beautiful sunset last night. This is looking from the window in my craft room.

The color lasted twenty minutes or longer. It was beautiful!

I am currently working on a Fourth of July Putz house. I will post pictures of it in a few days. The little house is done, but the yard needs to be landscaped. And there will be fireworks!
I hope you have a happy and blessed Easter! ~~Rhonda 🙂