I had a customer request for more Christmas card shadow boxes and spent some time this week working on new ones to list in my Etsy shop. They are always fun to make! Here are the ones I’ve finished in the past few days.
Santa delivers the goods…
The decorations include a bottle brush tree decorated with a garland of green beads and tiny red ornaments. Holly leaves accent the shadow box.
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…
Santa’s puppy
This photo gives you a peek at the glitter that decorates the interior of the box. It’s hard to get a picture that does a good job of showing off the glitter.
The shadow box is about an inch deep.
I call this one “Christmas Eve Service.”
It’s one of the smaller ones I made this week.
This shadow box, called “Dashing through the snow,” has already sold.
Details include a ceramic bead snowman next to the bottlebrush tree.
The customer asked if I could make a few small changes and I am always happy to comply with such a request. I removed the deer and replaced it with a small bottle brush tree and I covered the lettering to give the shadow box a more unified appearance.
This afternoon, I plan to work on a few more, then I’ll be spending the weekend decorating for the Open House. My sister will be here to help and I’m looking forward to making good progress!
Visit my Etsy shop to see these and other available Christmas card shadow boxes, Putz houses and ornaments. ChristmasNotebook.etsy.com
Always cute. I’ve made a few of these with vintage Christmas images and I have to say these are one of my most favorite projects to work on. They are cozy, warm, and inviting. Quite gratifying really. I love these. You have some nice cards and decorating ideas.
Jennifer, thank you. These Christmas card shadow boxes are such fun projects. I’m glad you like them!