
DH and me

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children and their families, including three grandchildren, and four cats.

My husband and I share a love of gardening and much of our free time in the spring/summer season is spent in the garden. We downsized in 2021, and have a much smaller yard at this house. Our gardening efforts are now focused on native plants and wildlife habitat. It’s a fun and productive hobby for two people who love to garden.

When I was younger, I had multiple hobbies. Christmas was a favorite hobby. We used to put up more than twenty trees. Now we have three. I used to scrapbook, but my children are grown and I have set that hobby aside. My main interest now is creating holiday putz houses and making Christmas ornaments using upcycled greeting cards. You can see my work in my Etsy shop.

Contact me at: reacoulter (at)