Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

open house 2016 ~ part two

See part one of the open house tour in this post: open house 2016 ~ part one We will take up the tour in the kitchen. It’s the center of holiday activity! The doorway on the left side of the picture leads into the front hall. The kitchen was an enclosed back porch at one […]

open house 2016 ~ part one

Our annual Christmas open house was a lot of fun! We had a wonderful time, with some surprise visitors dropping in! Some drove for several hours to get here. Thank you to everyone who helped make the day a success…those who pitched in to help and those who came to visit. We are thankful for […]

almost party time

We are as ready as we can be, other than for a few tweaks we need to take care of Sunday morning. Saturday, I started out by sorting the sugar cookies by shapes to make the decorating faster to finish. I frosted the cookies and Genny put the sprinkles on, which saved me a couple […]

the day before the day before the party

We had a very busy day Friday. Lots of helping hands. I spent the day in the kitchen, dipping truffles and making a few other goodies. I started with the Raspberry Truffles. Ran out of almond bark and had to send DH to the store for more. When those were done, I moved on to […]

working our way through the list

When we are preparing for our annual Christmas Open House, there is always a long list of tasks that need to be done. We keep a running list on Google Docs, shared with those who come over to help. They can check that list to see what needs to be done. We can add to […]

happy thanksgiving!

We had a fun Thanksgiving. Older Son and his family were here. All three girls were also here, but Oldest Daughter had to leave at noon. We were very glad she was able to come over for the morning. Younger Son called in the evening. We are looking forward to seeing them at Christmas. We […]

less than two weeks till the open house

At the end of last week, I worked on making twelve boxes for Chistmas card shadow boxes. I managed to embellish one of those before setting the project aside for the weekend. I know size is hard to figure out in pictures. This box is about 5″ wide by 3″ tall (not counting the hanger), […]

green putz with copper embellishments

I finished this little house today. I like the color combination. The embellishments are copper colored. The base is 5 1/4″ wide and 3 3/4″ deep. The Putz measures 5 1/2″ tall, from the bottom of the base to the top of the foliage. A tiny brown, glass bead serves as a door knob. The […]

custom order putz village

My first custom order. I made it for a local friend. She wanted gray and yellow and no green to match a particular room in her home. It was the biggest Putz project I have undertaken. Here is a close-up of the first little house. And the church. And the other little house. Top view. […]

putz country church

I finished this little white and blue church today. I had put it on the base and added the fence a few weeks ago, but had set it aside. It slipped my mind until I saw it today while clearing space on the craft counter. Decided to finish it. The foliage is pink and a […]