Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

light teal and lilac putz farmhouse

I like to use upcycled Christmas cards to make the bases for my Putz houses. I often use a house or barn pictured on the card as inspiration for a Putz pattern. I had this card set aside for quite a while because I wanted to draw a pattern for the farmhouse. I finally took […]

little red schoolhouse putz

I haven’t made a Putz schoolhouse before, so I looked online for some inspiration. I found a picture of the Kelley Historical Museum Schoolhouse. I based my Putz on the design of that schoolhouse. The base is 6 1/4″ wide and 4 1/4″ deep. The Putz is 4 1/2″ tall as measured from the bottom of […]

white and periwinkle putz church

I haven’t made a large Putz church for a while, so thought I’d draw a new pattern and tackle the construction. I found a picture online of this vintage postcard and liked the church. I used it as inspiration for my pattern. I simplified some parts and made a square-based steeple instead of rounded. I […]

vintage-style putz house

I am a member of a Facebook group called “Glitter and Putz Houses.” A photo was posted by the group owner of a vintage Putz house. I liked the curved porch on the house so much that I wanted to replicate it. I drew a pattern that was much simpler than the original house, but […]

mini teal and yellow putz house

This little teal and yellow Putz house has been listed in my Etsy shop. It is made from the same pattern as the yellow and red house, but has been reduced to 80% of the original. Puffs of smoke are optional. They are included with the house. This vintage Christmas card is one I wanted […]

lastest putz houses

I have several Putz to share. The first is a mini church. When you tilt one of my Putz houses, you will find a surprise underneath. The Christmas card I used for the base of this one is embellished with pretty gold foil. These mini Putz are quite a bit smaller than my usual ones. […]

mini putz church

Besides Putz houses, I enjoy making churches, barns and Christmas tree lots. Here’s a mini church I made yesterday. The bottle brush trees are decorated with pale blue and yellow pearl beads, faux snow and clear glitter. All my Putz buildings are on bases made from upcycled Christmas cards. The words on this base are […]

putz houses in different sizes

I have been making some of my patterns in smaller sizes than I drew them initially. This pattern was fun to make in the mini sizes. I copied the pattern at 80% of it’s original size for this house. The colors for my Putz houses are dictated by the colors on the Christmas cards I […]

new Christmas tree lot listed to etsy

I finished this sweet Christmas Tree Lot this morning and have listed it in my Etsy shop. The puff of smoke is optional. When I saw the four trees lined up on this Christmas card, I knew I wanted to make it into a Putz base for a Christmas tree lot. When the Putz is tilted, […]

mini putz house with a cat

I have become intrigued by small Putz houses. It began when I drew a pattern to match the barn pictured on a particular Christmas card. When the pattern was done, I realized the finished Putz was too wide to fit the card properly, so I reduced the pattern to 80%, using my printer. Because I liked […]